ARGENTINA NORTHWEST Extensive – Birding tour 13D/12N


ARGENTINA NORTHWEST Extensive – Birding tour 13D/12N


Eleven full birding days by the incredibly contrasting ecosystems of Argentina Northwest, accross two provinces (Jujuy and Salta), two national parks, and several other beautiful nature reserves that include the dry Chaco woodlands, Monte shrublands, Yungas cloudforests, Puna and high Andes steppes and deserts (which together hold over the 60% of the bird diversity of the country), while knowing their unique landscapes and culture, too. Excellent opportunities for nature photography.



Day 1: Arrive in Salta airport (SLA). Overnight: El Carril or Chicoana.

Day 2: Quebrada de Escoipe and Cuesta del Obispo. Overnight: Cachi.

Day 3: Los Cardones National Park. Overnight: El Carril or Chicoana.

Day 4: Santa Laura pass and Yala Provincial Park. Overnight: Jujuy city.

Day 5: Humahuaca gorge and Abra Pampa. Overnight: La Quiaca or Yavi.

Day 6: Lake Pozuelos Natural Monument. Overnight: La Quiaca or Yavi.

Day 7: Lizoite mountain pass. Overnight: La Quiaca or Yavi.

Day 8: Rontuyoc marsh and Humahuaca gorge. Jujuy city.

Day 9: Calilegua National Park (premontane forests). Overnight: San Francisco or LG San Martín.

Day 10: Calilegua National Park (cloud and montane forests). Overnight: Villamonte.

Day 11: La Estrella road. Overnight: Villamonte.

Day 12: Eco-Portal de Piedra and Las Lancitas Nature Reserve. Overnight: Jujuy city.

Day 13: Transfer out to the airport (JUJ or SLA).


Bird species

Huayco Tinamou, Andean Condor, Black-and-chestnut Eagle, Red-Faced Guan, Giant Coot, Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe, Diademed Plover, Andean Gull, Red-tailed Comet, Slender-tailed Woodstar, Mountain Parakeet, Tucuman Parrot, Green-cheeked Parakeet, Yellow-collared Macaw, Dot-fronted Woodpecker, Cream-backed Woodpecker, Andean Flicker, Sandy Gallito, Zimmer’s Tapaculo, White-throated Antpitta, Red-billed Scythebill, Straight-billed Earthcreeper, White-throated Cacholote, Scribble-tailed Canastero, Spot-breasted Thornbird, Rufous-webbed Bush Tyrant, Andean Tyrant, Buff-banded Tyrannulet, Yungas Manakin, White-tipped Plantcutter, Andean Swallow, Rufous-throated Dipper, Paramo Pipit, Rusty Flowerpiercer, Brown-backed Mockingbird, Pale-legged Warbler, Rufous-bellied Mountain Tanager, Rust-and-yellow Tanager, Moss-backed Sparrow, Fulvous-headed Brush-Finch, Short-tailed Finch, Red-backed Sierra-Finch, Tucuman Mountain-Finch, Black Siskin, among many others.



For people in good health conditions. The expedition involves an aprox. 2,200 kilometers itinerary mostly by slow drive mountain pass. Short slow-pace walks over 4,000 meters above sea level are included.



Basic birding skills and previous experience is expected. We will provide participants with further information.




  • Professional birding and nature guide.
  • Use of spotting-scope.
  • Bird books for consulting.
  • Transfer in-out.
  • Transportation in comfortable vehicule.
  • Accommodation -in some places the lodging may be basic-.
  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner (not alcoholic drinks).



From late April to early December. However, the birding high season usually lasts from September to December.


Start & finish

Start place is the city of Salta or its airport (SLA) and the finish place the Jujuy or Salta airports (JUJ or SLA).

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